Yesterday, my group members and I have done an experiment by using data logging. The experiment title: effects of temperature on enzyme reaction. The precursor that we have used is temperature. After about 30minutes set up the apparatus and all that, the data logging was running. We found that the graph shows time and temperature.
When time is increase, the temperature also increases. Then, all of us start thinking, what will be the result obtain. On that time, we think that our experiment actually failed. Data logging only can detect the temperature, but not the rate of reaction. Actually, our experiment result’s is based on the observation, it is not depending on the data logging as well. So, by hook or by crook, we need to plan other experiment on the other time. Before do another experiment that is used data logging, we need to do another lesson plan.
Here, I have upload a few pictures based on the experiment that was failed. But, never mind. Learn from failure.
nk balikk..!!!